Blogs I Love

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy Heart Day!

We had a great Valentines Day! I woke up to pancakes and a decorated apartment! It was so cute, and I have the best husband in the world! He went to so much work to do it. He woke up at 6:30 am to get everything ready for me. Caleb forgot that we didn't have any tape, so the decorating involved him putting white glue on the backs of the decorations and holding them on the wall until they dried! He also blew up a ton of red balloons! It was wonderful.

We did a lot of laying around during the day, and then went out to dinner at the Old Triangle later on. It's one of the first places we went to eat here. It's a cute old Irish place and the food is so good! Then I drug Caleb to see He's Just Not That Into You. But he always ends up liking the movies he complains about seeing! It was a cute show, and it was a wonderful day!

(The green love seat is our new, stenchless couch! We love it.)


Canadian Mommy said...

You two scream newly married and in love! And cute apartment!

Matthew said...

I love the new pics! It looks like a great apartment. Marriage looks good on you two! I swear you guys are the most photogenic people I know! Love you and miss you both! Jess

Anonymous said...

The new couch looks much better, probably smells much better too most importantly. Ah... young love!

Andi said...

Love the place guys, it looks great! And glad to hear that you have a new, stenchless couch. I love that story!